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 The International Visual Culture and Arts Association


국제시각문화예술협회는 광주를 거점으로 국제네트워크를 조성하여 다양한 국제예술 활동을 진행하고 있는 법적승인을 받은 협회입니다.

2005년 프랑스 개인전초대전시회에서 만난 파스칼 지하흐와의 예술인연은 2006년 그가 한국초대전을 하는 계기가 되어 개인교류보다는 단체교류의 의미로 확산해보자는 취지에서 2007년 프랑스 루앙에서 큰 전시를 진행하게 되었습니다. 이때 결성된 COREEiation( 한국+교류 의미)은 한국·프랑스 판화연합전시회였으며, 그해 2007년 11월 프랑스 루앙에서 센느마리팀도청 초청으로 10명의 한·불작가들이 300평 규모의 대형전시를 진행하였습니다. 또한 루앙대학교대학원생들이 광주문화를 취재하기 위해 7월 광주를 방문하여, 광주예술가작업실 방문과 리서치를 진행하였으며, 그해 11월 루앙대학교 문화관에서 전시회를 진행하여 광주문화예술의 가치를 소통하였습니다. 또한 그랑꾸엔느시에서는 워크숍과 세미나 지원으로 2개 행사를 진행되었으며, 루앙시내 영화관에서는 ‘꽃잎영화’를 상영하여 2007년 11월의 프랑스 루앙은 한국 - 광주의 날이 되었습니다

The International Visual Culture and Arts Association(IVCAA) is the legally approved association that has established international networks based in Gwangju and carried out various international art activities. The art relationship with Pascal Girard, who I met at an invitational exhibition in France in 2005, led to a chance that his invitational exhibition was held in Republic of Korea in 2006. This led to another chance that a big exhibition was held in Rouen, France in 2007 with the aim of extending the relationship into group exchanges rather than individual exchanges. The “COREElation(it means Republic of Korea + Exchange)” was the Republic of Korea-France joint printmaking exhibition that 10 Korean and French artists participated in the almost 992m2 large-scale exhibition in Rouen, France in November 2007, invited by the Seine-Maritime Provincial Government. In addition, graduate students from the University of Rouen Normandy came to Gwangju, Republic of Korea in July in 2007 to examine Gwangju culture, and did their research, looking around Gwangju artists’ studios. In November of that year, they had an exhibition in the cultural centre of the University of Rouen Normandy and shared the value of Gwangju culture and arts. Also, two events were held with a workshop and seminar supported by the Grand-Couronne, and the Korean film “A Petal” was shown at the cinemas in downtown Rouen, France. That is how November 2007 in Rouen, France became the days of the Republic of Korea-France joint exchange.

이후, 우리는 2012년 광주시립미술관 상록분관에서 COREEiation2 전시를 진행하였고, 2016년 한·불수교 130주년 기념 에브흐시청 초청으로 COREEiation3의 10명의 한국작가들이 전시회 초대되어 센느마리팀도청과 에브흐뮤지엄에서 한국작가 작품을 구입하는 등 많은 성과를 가져왔습니다.
After that, the COREElation 2 exhibition was held at the Sangrok Exhibition Hall in the Gwangju Museum of Art in 2012. And the COREElation 3 was held in Evreux, France in 2016 to celebrate the 130th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Republic of Korea and France. 10 Korean artists were invited by the Evreux City Hall and there were many achievements like their artworks were purchased by both the Seine-Maritime Provincial Government and the Evreux Museum of Art.


한국과 프랑스를 오고 가며 진행된 교류는 2013년 한국협회가 별도로 추진되어 국제시각문화예술협회로 재구성되었으며, 이후 교류확장과 네트워크 기반을 구축하여 20개국 189명 회원으로 확대하여, 전시·교육·연구중심의 교류 구축을 위해, 프랑스, 독일, 러시아, 중국, 일본, 몽골, 베트남, 태국 등 전시회와 워크숍, 세미나로 국가 간 교류 협력을 진행하고 있습니다.

The exchanges between Republic of Korea and France led to the chance that a certain Korean association tried to be established in 2013 and it resulted in the establishment of the International Visual Culture and Arts Association(IVCAA). The IVCAA has expanded exchanges and cultivated the foundation of networks. With 189 members from 20 countries, it has made exhibitions, education, and research-oriented exchanges, having exhibitions, workshops, and seminars in France, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Thailand, etc


현재 2019년부터 동구청과 거버넌스 협약으로 미로센터에서 미로창작플랫폼을 운영하며 국제예술인 레지던시를 통해 온·오프라인 국제예술교류 거점을 조성 중이며, 국제전시 교류와 컨퍼런스·워크숍으로 지역작가 해외활동 기반을 돕고 있습니다.

Since 2019, the IVCAA has operated the MIRO Creative Platform in the MIRO Centre in accordance with the public-private partnership with the Gwangju Eastern District Office. It has been establishing the online and on-the-spot international art exchange hub through the international artist-in-residence programmes and helped local artists to work abroad through the international exhibition exchanges, conferences, and workshops.


 Jungsuk Noh

The President of the International Visual Culture and Arts Association(IVCAA)

국제시각문화예술협회 대표 노정숙 





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